St Margaret's CE Primary

Enhanced curriculum offer

At St. Margaret’s, our ambitious and aspirational curriculum extends beyond the classroom and the requirements of the National Curriculum, enabling our learners to develop skills and character that will help them prepare academically, emotionally, socially and spiritually to be active and successful participants in our British and Global society. Our vision is to encourage learning, inspire curiosity and help grow the future whilst making memories.

Trips and visits

Throughout a child’s time at St. Margaret’s they will have experienced a range of special events, inspirational visitors, theme days and educational visits to ensure a wide range of learning experiences that further enrich the curriculum and help them become well-rounded individuals, developing their local cultural capital knowledge to capitalise on pupil's awe and wonder of the world. 

Central to the belief that children should love learning and our belief that learning extends beyond the classroom, we offer a residential visit in Upper Key Stage 2, an opportunity that helps grow confidence, independence, resilience and self-organisation.

Trips and Visits


School productions

St. Margaret’s hosts a busy calendar as EYFS and KS1 tells the Christmas Story with their traditional nativity and KS2 also performs a show-stopping carol service!

Throughout the year we have class assemblies, Reverend Sally assemblies, in church assemblies and music extravaganzas where all values, talents and skills are shared and celebrated.

We like to sign off each school year with a  where Year 6 put on their very own Shakespearean production.  We’ve had Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Macbeth to name but a few.  All singing, all dancing, helping the children and families end their time with us in style.

School Productions


Outdoor area

We are blessed to have such a beautiful and expansive outdoor area. Over the years the children have planted and nurtured the area and we are now reaping the benefits.  Our forest area and nature garden support play, exploration and supported risk-taking, it develops confidence and self-esteem through learner-inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting. Our orchard spaces provides fresh, healthy fruits for us to harvest and enjoy.

With the beautiful Roch Valley on our doorstep, we take water safety seriously and have regular visits from the fire brigade as well as Year 4 taking part in swimming lessons at the local baths.

Outdoor Area


Extra-Curricular Activities

We offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities which are designed to enrich the curriculum, offer new skills and develop new passions and interests. Enhanced by specialist teachers, our wonderful menu includes football, dance, multisport, homework clubs and a wide range of music provisions including; woodwind and brass.

Our popular school choir enjoys performing at various events throughout the year including visits to care homes. We also have strong links with our local high schools who come in to support us with enhanced Spanish teaching and special taster days where the children can take part in activities such as cooking, sporting events, pantomimes and plays. All these aspects of our offer are designed for personal and character development and foster enthusiasm for a culturally rich education.

Extra Curricular Activities



As a church school, we celebrate the importance of the Christian faith, which guides us in everything we do; we recognise our responsibility to all children and staff, to enrich lives and show respect within our school family and the wider community. The Religious Education curriculum immerses the children in other faiths through visits to places of worship (such as the Hindu Temple in Oldham), special visitors from all faiths and of course our daily collective worship.

Many yearly charity events (for example supporting our local pantry food bank) or our neighbourhood gifting are all enriching and nurturing and help us bring more to our local community.



Parent Events

Harvest, Easter, Christmas and Year 6 Leavers Eucharist are just some of the key services we celebrate with St. Margaret’s Church and families are warmly welcomed. 

Regular parent consultations, parents information meetings, family reading mornings, /wonderful family learning events, such as den building or baking, and ‘Come and See’ events enable parents and carers the opportunity to talk to teachers, take part in our curriculum, look at learning within books and set targets for improvements.

We celebrate our learning with parents weekly via Tapestry or Seesaw, our online communication portals. Teachers upload photographs, videos and messages together with a weekly Friday celebration shout-out.

We are very fortunate to have an supportive parents who help raise extra funds for the school through a wide range of fun and creative initiatives.

Parent Events


School Council, Learning Detectives and Worship Groups

An active school council, which is democratically voted in by their peers, ensures our curriculum and enhanced curriculum offer will never stand still, the voice of the child helps guide the decision-making process.   

Worship group helps to promote our Christian Values with the whole school, as well as taking a leading role in our Collective Worships, with our Reverend, school through drama and reading prayers all prepared in a meeting.

School Council


Sports Ambassadors

St Margaret’s is part of the Heywood Sports Association. This is a cluster of nine local schools who regularly throughout the year meet up and run competitions in a range of different sports. Children from different year groups have the opportunity to represent the school in different sports. So far these have been cross country, athletics and dodgeball, with more events planned.

In partnership with Ed Start, we are also able to take some lucky children on a trip to Wembley Stadium to watch the American Football team the Jacksonville Jaguars play. We are well supported by sports coaches in school and each year we complete in sports days which are a great success and a chance for parents to come and be involved in their children’s learning. By raising the profile of PE and Sport in school we foster better links with local clubs to increase participation levels and fitness as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Sports Ambassadors