Archived News
- 22nd Mar: Please join us for Easter Worship in the school hall on Tuesday the 26th March at 9:00 a.m. This worship will be led by our worship group.
- 11th Mar: The Main School Book Fair is on Tuesday the 19th March after school in the hall. There will also be an opportunity for parents to come in and look at the books with their child during the day and purchase them at these sessions too. The more we sell the more free books we get for our school! :-)
- 11th Mar: It is Year 6 Trip to Eureka on Tuesday the 19th March.
- 11th Mar: It is Red Nose Day on Friday the 14th March.
- 11th Mar: Parents are invited to Share the Knowledge or join in the learning every Thursday morning from 8:45 until 9:00.
- 11th Mar: Year 3 have their school trip to Chester on Wednesday the 13th March.
- 26th Feb: Thursday 7th March - World Book Day - Dress up as your favourite book or character!
- 26th Feb: Tuesday 5th March - Year 2 School Trip - Manchester Airport
- 26th Feb: Tuesday 5th March from 8:45 a.m. - Reception Play and Stay - All parents and carers welcome
- 26th Feb: Friday 1st March - Non Uniform Day - Donations for our Easter Raffle please - Money raised will go towards school trips to help reduce what we ask for parental contributions - Thank you, School Council :-)
- 26th Feb: Welcome back to the new half term - Pupils back in school on Tuesday the 27th February
- 8th Feb: NON UNIFORM DAY - Friday 1st March - Easter Raffle Prizes please - All money raised will go towards reducing our parental contributions towards our school trips!
- 8th Feb: We finish for half term on Friday the 16th February and return to school on TUESDAY the 27th February
- 8th Feb: Year 5 and Year 6 fiinish their rugby sessions on Wednesday the 14th February. Two more classes will have sessions next half term. Thank you to Craig from Rochdale Hornets for leading these sessions.
- 8th Feb: Thursday 15th February - All of KS2 are out at St Anne's Academy for a Spanish Day - Thank you to St Anne's for contributing to half of the coach costs and also for the FREE lunches! :-)
- 18th Jan: We have a Parent/Carer Well-being Workshop in school run by a NHS Educational Consultant on Thursday 15th February (am) - More information to follow soon.
- 11th Jan: FAMILY WELCOME: Share the Learning is now every Thursday morning unless we let you know. This starts at 8:45 in your child's classroom. Each week a diffrenet subject is selected by the teacher and the pupils will show off and share their knowledge acquired in school.
- 11th Jan: After School Clubs start on Monday the 15th January - You need to have reserved a place
- 29th Dec: Christmas Events - Check out our gallery page for all videos and photographs of our many Christmas events! :-)
- 29th Dec: The first day back in school after Christmas is Monday the 8th January 2024 - The doors open at 8:45 a..m and the doors close at 8:50 a.m. - Please be punctual!
- 29th Dec: Wishing our school community a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2024!
- 29th Dec: The Christmas Discos raised £576 towards new library books - Thank you everyone!
- 29th Dec: Thank you! The School Council Christmas Raffle raised £381! This will go towards school trips..
- 30th Nov: Christmas Nativity is on Thursday 14th and Friday 15th December.
- 30th Nov: KS2 Carol and Christmas Song Concert is on Wednesday 20th December at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m..
- 30th Nov: Christmas Discos are on Tuesday 12th December - Money raised fo towards reducing the parental contributions for school trips.
- 30th Nov: Christmas Lunch is on Wednesday 13th December - Wear your Christmas Jumper!
- 30th Nov: St Margaret's Church Christmas Fair is on Friday 8th December in Church from 3:15 p.m..
- 16th Nov: NON UNIFORM DAY - Friday 1st November - Christmas Raffle Prizes please - All money raised will go towards reducing our parental contributions towards our school trips!
- 16th Nov: INTERNET SAFETY - Workshop for Parents and Carers - Thursday 23rd July from 2:30 in school.
- 16th Nov: BIKEABILITY - Y5 and Y6 are involved in this WC 4th December - Information will go out
- 16th Nov: MATHS MASTERCLASS - The next and final session is on Wednesday 29th November (p.m) at Rochdale Sixth Form College - Mrs Beresford will be taking 5 Upper KS2 pupils to take part!.
- 16th Nov: Please come along every Thursday from 8:45 until 9:00 for FAMILY LEARNING. in your child's classroom.
- 7th Nov: Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 go to the cinema on Thursday the 16th November.
- 7th Nov: Year 5 and Year 6 go to the cinema on Tuesday the 14th November.
- 7th Nov: Wear something red on Friday the 10th November to raise money for the Poppy Appeal.
- 7th Nov: Year 3 and Year 4 go to the cinema on Thursday the 9th November.
- 7th Nov: Flu Vaccinations: These are on Thursday 9th November for Reception, Y1, Y2, Y5 and Y6. Year 3 and Year 4 have their vaccinations on Wednesday 15th November. Only children with a parental consent form completed and returned will be vaccinated.
- 20th Oct: Flu Vaccinations are on Thursday the 9th November
- 20th Oct: Bonfire Celebration Lunch is on Thursday 2nd November
- 20th Oct: The Reception Open Event for Reception 2024 is on Tuesday 31st October (two options are 3:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m)
- 20th Oct: Well Being - Year 3 and Year 4 start Mindful Movements with YourTrust after Half Term
- 20th Oct: We finish for half term on Friday 20th October and we are back in school on Monday the 30th October.
- 6th Oct: The School Book Fair is on Tuesday the 17th and Wednesday the 18th October from 3:20 in the school hall. Please support as the more books sold the more FREE books we get!
- 6th Oct: Year 5 and Year 6 Family Learning Event is on Thursday 19th October from 8:45 in the classroom.
- 6th Oct: Year 3 and Year 4 Family Learning Event is on Thursday 12th October from 8:45 in the classroom.
- 6th Oct: Year 3 are at Stump Cross Caverns on Thursday the 19th October.
- 6th Oct: Year 6 are at Manchester Museum on Tuesday the 10th October.
- 23rd Sep: Year 1 are off to Blackpool Zoo on Wednesday the 27th September!
- 23rd Sep: Our older pupils are off to Robinwood in Wrexham on Monday the 25th September for three days! :-)
- 18th Sep: Parent/Carer Workshop - PSHE and SRE Curriculum - Tuesday 26th September 3:30 in School
- 12th Sep: Parent Reading Workshop for Reception, Y1 and Y2 Parents/Carers - Thursday 28th September 8:45 - Please come along and find out about reading at St Margaret's with your child in class!
- 11th Sep: Year 3 and Year 4 are At St Anne's Academy on the 11th October for a Creative Arts Day
- 11th Sep: Individual Pupil Photographs are on Tuesday 3rd October (am)
- 11th Sep: Parent Workshop - General Mental Health of your child - Links have gone out to sign up to this FREE session in school on Thursday 5th October - Please speak to the school office if you have any questions.
- 11th Sep: Our KS2 pupils go to Robinwood on Monday the 25th September!
- 11th Sep: Parent Drop-ins are on Monday 11th September for Years 1-6.
- 20th Jul: Have a wonderful summer everyone!
- 20th Jul: We are back in school on Wednesday the 6th September.
- 20th Jul: Thank you everyone for a very successful school year at St Margaret's! :-)
- 6th Jul: Year 6 Prom is after school on Tuesday 18th July from 4:30 until 6:00 p.m..
- 6th Jul: Summer raffle - Please get all envelopes in by Monday 17th July 9:00 a.m. - Thank you for your support! All money raised goes towards school trips next academic year!
- 6th Jul: We can't wait! Year 6 perform Romeo and Juliet next Thursday 13th July at 2:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.. Tickets are available so please speak to y6 staff if you are interested and check for availability.
- 6th Jul: Year 6 Leaver's Eucharist is on Tuesday 11th July at 9:00 a.m. - All Y6 Family are welcome.
- 6th Jul: Our Summer Festival is today - 6th July :-)
- 10th Jun: Year 4 visit Chester on Wednesday 14th June as part of their topic about Romans.
- 10th Jun: Year 2 visit Liverpool on Tuesday 13th June as part of their topic about The Beatles and will visit the museum.
- 10th Jun: On Wednesday 21st June it is Y1 Family Learning from 1:45 and on Thursday 22nd June it is Y1 Class Assembly from 9:00.
- 10th Jun: On Tuesday 20th June it is Y4 Family Learning from 1:45.
- 10th Jun: It is Sports Day on Thursday 15th June - Fingers crossed for the sunshine!
- 13th May: We finish for Half Term on Friday 26th May
- 13th May: Mental Health Awareness Week - Wear an item of green clothing on Thursday 18th May
- 13th May: Well done to our Year 6 pupils - Your attitude and effort was amazing during your tests!
- 30th Apr: Year 5 Class Assembly - Thursday 18th May - 9:00
- 30th Apr: Year 6 SATS start Tuesday 9th May - Good luck everyone!
- 30th Apr: Royal Pageant Day - Friday 5th May
- 13th Apr: Family reading Sessions - Thursday morning from 8:50 in Rec, Y1 and Y2.
- 18th Mar: We finish for Easter on Friday 31st March and are back in school on Monday 17th April.
- 18th Mar: Classes are involved in Experience Easter in church WC 27th March - Thank you to Reverend Sally for planning and organising.
- 18th Mar: Easter Raffle - All money raised goes to the Turkey and Syria Earthquake Appeal - Envelopes go home Monday 27th March - Please support!
- 18th Mar: Easter Worship is on Tuesday 28th March led by our Worship Group and Reverend Sally.
- 16th Mar: Dojo Party is on Friday 31st March - Well done to everyone and enjoy spending your Dojos!
- 18th Feb: Spanish Lessons led by Newhouse Academy for Year 4 and Year 5 on Friday 10th March in school.
- 18th Feb: Year 5 Family Learning is on the 8th March - 9:30 until 10:30 - Please come along!
- 18th Feb: Heritage Art Project - Y3 - We look forward to working with the artists starting Friday 3rd March for four weeks.
- 18th Feb: School Book Fair - 3:15 on Tuesday 7th March - Spend your £1 World Book Day Voucher :-)
- 18th Feb: World Book Day - Thursday 2nd March - Dress as your favourite character !
- 10th Feb: Half Term is next Friday the 17th February - We are back in school on TUESDAY the 28th February.
- 10th Feb: StarBooks Party is next Friday - Well done to all our 'Boom Reader' champions across school this half term!
- 10th Feb: It was fantastic to see so many pupils wearing their SCARF today for Children's Mental Health Week.
- 4th Feb: Family Reading for Pleasure sessions are every fortnight in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 - Please come along! :-)
- 4th Feb: NSPCC Number Day - Thank you to all the pupils who dressed up o number day - We had a wonderful mathematical day in school! :-)
- 4th Feb: We finish for half term on Friday 17th February and are back TUESDAY 28th February.
- 4th Feb: Come and See my Work is on Monday 13th February from 3:15 in your child's classroom - See you there!
- 4th Feb: Wear your SCARF next Friday the 10th February to raise awareness for Mental Health Week in school.
- 4th Feb: Tuesday 7th February - Safe Internet Day in school - Check out our link on the school web-site for lots of support and advice.
- 10th Jan: NSPCC Number Day - Friday 3rd February - Competition Time!
- 10th Jan: KS2 Spanish day at St Anne's - Wednesday 25th January
- 3rd Jan: Spring Attendance and Punctuality Award starts now! Be in school and be on time every day!
- 1st Jan: Happy New Year to everyone in our school community! :-)
- 18th Dec: Christmas Disco - Raised over £500 towards our school trips - Thank you to everyone who supported!
- 30th Jun: Our Summer Fete is on Thursday 14th July from 3:30
- 26th May: Thank you to everyone who helped make our Platinum Jubilee Celebrations a success in school!
- 8th May: Jubilee Celebration Day in School - Thursday 26th May
- 8th May: DOLCE Special Picnic Lunch is on Thursday 19th May
- 28th Apr: Good News- Our first face to face PSA meeting is on Friday 29th April - 2:30 - Please come and join us!
- 9th Apr: Happy Easter Everyone! We are back in school on Monday 25th April.
- 9th Apr: Parent and Carer Questionnaire
- 9th Apr: Winners of the Easter Bonnet Competition are on the achievement sheet.
- 7th Apr: The PSA Easter Raffle raised £360! Thank you :-)
- 31st Mar: Easter Bonnet/Hat Competition
- 31st Mar: PSA Easter Raffle Ticket Deadline is Thursday 7th April 9:00 a.m.
- 25th Mar: Thank you to everyone who donated on Red Nose Day!
- 3rd Mar: Thank you to all pupils and staff who dressed up for World Book Day today!
- 3rd Mar: We are donating needed items to Rochdale Ukrainian Club
- 28th Feb: Admission Appeals Timetable
- 25th Feb: World Book Day - Thursday March 3rd
- 25th Feb: We are back in school on Tuesday 1st March
- 14th Feb: Thank you to everyone who 'Dressed to Express' and helped raise funds!
- 30th Jan: Internet Safety Day - Tuesday 8th February
- 29th Jan: FREE Training for Parents and Carers
- 28th Jan: Mental Health Week WC 7th February - Dress to Express on Friday 11th February
- 16th Jan: Celebrating Weekly School Achievements
- 8th Jan: Clubs start again WC 10th January - An adult needs to pick up
- 4th Jan: Check out the 'Letters Home' Page for all updates for parents around Covid
- 4th Jan: Check out the Policy and Information Page for the updated Risk Assessments
- 4th Jan: Welcome Back to our new school term! Happy New Year!!
- 17th Dec: The new term starts on TUESDAY the 4th January.
- 17th Dec: Merry Christmas to all our St Margaret's School Community!
- 17th Dec: Check out our Christmas Photographs on the Gallery Page
- 16th Dec: The PSA raised £371.00 - Thank you for your support with the Christmas Raffle!
- 14th Dec: Christmas Toys Mission - Thank you for your kind donations of toys
- 4th Dec: Reminder: Christmas Party afternoon is Wednesday 15th December for all pupils.
- 4th Dec: Enjoy our daily Christmas Countdown courtesy of each class singing!
- 3rd Dec: PSA Christmas Raffle: More information to follow this week :-)
- 3rd Dec: Thank you for all your donations today for the PSA Christmas Raffle.
- 1st Dec: Christmas lunch is Wednesday 8th December - Wear your Christmas Jumper!
- 14th Oct: The School Photographer is in school next Thursday - A letter has gone out
- 14th Oct: The School Photographer is in school next Thursday - A letter has gone out
- 14th Oct: Thank you to everyone for your Harvest Gifts! These will go to Heywood Food Bank and the Booth Center in Manchester
- 7th Oct: Well done to our Kitchen Team who served 157 lunches today at our special lunch!
- 20th Sep: Check out the Class Pages if you missed the Important Class Parent Meeting
- 20th Sep: Please return your Flu Vaccination forms.
- 17th Sep: Welcome to our new Reception Pupils who are settling in beautifully!
- 3rd Sep: Links to our Covid19 Risk Assessment and Outbreak Management Plan
- 23rd Aug: First Day of Autumn Term - Monday 6th September
- 22nd Jul: Thank you to our whole school community for all your support this academic year!
- 22nd Jul: We wish everyone in our school family a very happy, enjoyable and restful summer. :-)
- 22nd Jul: Watch our Year 6 performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream on the Year 6 Gallery Page
- 20th Jul: See our Y6 Robinwood Photos and Videos on The Y6 Gallery Page
- 16th Jul: Look at our Y6 'Prom Fest' Photos on the Y6 Gallery Page
- 21st Jun: Closed Bubbles in Years 4, 5 and 6
- 28th Apr: NSPCC Number Day - Fri 7th May
- 1st Apr: Class Dojo Star Party
- 1st Apr: Reading Eggstravaganza Day - Friday 1st April
- 8th Mar: Welcome back everyone, it is fantastic to have everyone back in school! :-)
- 8th Mar: Re-opening Plan and Risk Assessments
- 9th Feb: Remote Education Provision - Info for Parents
- 16th Jan: If our families need any support please do not hesitate to contact us!
- 13th Jan: NSPCC Number Day -Change of Date- 7th May
- 13th Jan: REMOTE LEARNING INFO - See Letters Home Page
- 5th Jan: Don't forget there is lots of support on our Well-Being Page
- 5th Jan: Thank you to our whole school community for your support following the 3rd Lockdown!
- 1st Jan: New School Term Starts Monday 4th January
- 1st Dec: St Margaret's Countdown to Christmas
- 27th Nov: Year 3 Bubble are due back on Tuesday 1st December
- 14th Nov: Do you want to take part in the shoebox appeal?
- 7th Nov: We have new support information on our 'Well being Page'
- 7th Nov: NHS Helpful Summary of Lockdown Restrictions
- 5th Nov: Seesaw Remote Learning Support for Parents and Pupils
- 3rd Nov: Safety Reminders for Parents at Start and End of Day
- 23rd Oct: Our Year 4 Bubble closed today
- 20th Oct: Our Year 6 Bubble closed today
- 17th Oct: Thank you for the generous harvest donations everyone!
- 17th Oct: Reception 2021 - Virtual Open Event
- 16th Oct: Welcome back to our Year 1 Class Bubble :-)
- 7th Oct: Thank you to all parents who are supporting our remote learning.
- 5th Oct: Our Year 1 Class Bubble closed today
- 5th Oct: Thank you for completing our remote learning questionnaire - This is really helpful!
- 5th Sep: Parent Zoom Meeting on Wednesday 9th Sep - Information will be sent out
- 5th Sep: A brilliant start to our new school year, thank you everyone for your support in making this a successful and safe start!
- 2nd Sep: Welcome Back to School Information
- 1st Sep: Our Full Re-opening Plan and Risk Assessments are on the Letters Home Page
- 24th Jul: We look forward to seeing everyone on the 3rd September!
- 17th Jul: Happy Retirement Mrs Leach
- 11th Jul: Last day of our school year - Friday 17th July
- 19th Jun: Reception due back on Thursday 25th June
- 19th Jun: Year 1 due back on Monday 22nd June
- 11th Jun: Year 6 due back on the 17th June
- 8th Jun: Summer Reading Challenge
- 26th May: Deadline for lodging an appeal has now been extended
- 23rd May: Possible Wider Opening of school from the 1st June
- 2nd May: Even more Well-Being Support on the 'Letters Home' page
- 25th Apr: Home Learning is all on the Class Page for your child
- 25th Apr: Advice for parents to support well-being - Click here:
- 4th Apr: Care Provision Information for Keyworkers - Is this needed?
- 25th Mar: Recommendations for home schooling by Rochdale's Assistant Educational Pschologist Annmarie
- 23rd Mar: RANS (Rochdale Additional Needs Service) Helpline times extended
- 20th Mar: School Closing to most pupils today 20th March 2020
- 20th Mar: Closure of educational settings: information for parents and carers
- 19th Mar: Coronvirus UPDATE at 2 30 pm 19-03-20 plus Keyworker Identification Form
- 16th Mar: Updated guidance for education settings on coronavirus (COVID-19)
- 13th Mar: IMPORTANT: Coronavirus Update 13/3/20
- 3rd Mar: Pupils back in after half term
- 21st Feb: Thank you to all parents that attended the parent consultation appointments
- 14th Feb: We raised £320.64 at the PSA Valentine's Discos - Thank you
- View current news items