St Margaret's CE Primary

PE and Sporting Activities

At St Margaret's we have a very wide and varied programme of sporting activities and PE activities. We feel it is very, very important that children have the skills and knowledge to participate in a wide range of competitive and non-competitive activities during school time and after school, involving clubs and tournaments.

The children and staff all worked hard to acheive the Gold Award from School Games.

Bury FC Visit

 School Dodgeball Teams 2024

Boys_Dodgeball_Team Girls_Dodgeball_Team


Year 6 Football team

Football Team 24-25

 They tried really hard! We played 3 games, lost one, drew one and the last game we played a really good team and saved a few of their goals so the others only won 1-0 in the end.

 Cross Country Team


This years swimmimng data - Swimming Data

Dan The Skipping Man

Our pupils won the Spirit of Sport award at the Heywood School's Presentation Evening!



Some of our key stage two children took part in a cricket skills festival. They took part in a skills session before having a game of cricket against another school. We are very proud of the children. They represented St. Margaret’s extremely well.