For our latest photos check out our Blog!
Making Egyptian Flatbreads
KS2 Christmas Party
66 images
KS2 Christmas Singalong
30 images
25 images
Football with the Edstart Coaches
21 images
Planting Bulbs
18 images
Poppy making for Remembrance Day
23 images
Ancient Egyptian Scarabs
47 images
Printing Ancient Egyptian Scarabs
Hot seating David and Goliath
Making a Shaduf
36 images
Shaduf, also spelled Shadoof, hand-operated device for lifting water, invented in ancient times and still used in India, Egypt, and some other countries to irrigate land.
Building Place Value
19 images
Stockport Air Raid Museum
88 images
Yr4 Edstart Taster Day
8 images
Y4 Science - Investigating light
15 images
Music with Glockenspiels
16 images
Den Building
85 images
Year 3 and Year 4 joined together to build Dens in the Woodland area
Y4 Art
Y4 Cave Painting
29 images
Learning to cook
Stoneage Workshop
87 images
Pictures from our Stoneage Workshop